Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Focus on Big Pharma stocks for binary options trading in 2012

Killer App - Big Pharma style
It's time to focus in as a binary options trader for 2012 and to try to hit the mark with successful decisions. And what better way to do so than with pharmaceutical binary options. Why? Well, when you focus on pharmaceutical companies for the asset, you'll be able to make educated predictions about the price change of that asset based on the performance of the pharmaceutical company. Akorn Inc., for instance, develops therapeutic ophthalmic pharmaceuticals and hospital drugs. They've gained 24% in 2011 - that's amazing progress! Allergan Inc., as well, has gained 21% since the start of 2011. As a binary options trader, these are the types of companies that you can feel comfortable putting into pharmaceutical binary options and making a trade that will bring you potential profits and create comfort for you as a trader. Look into this type of asset for a sweet year ahead in 2012 and for companies that offered amazing returns in 2011.

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