Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top Ten Assets to Trade with Binary Options in 2012

what acreage does your binary options portfolio take up?
Since you can trade binary options that expire in different time periods, choose the one that gives you the best chance of ending up in the money. Since long-term investments in binary options require a great deal of market research, your best bet is usually a short-term option, one that expires in an hour or less. That way, you only need to concern yourself with the market fluctuations that are present already, rather than having to anticipate changes in the market that have yet to present themselves. Of course, there may be times when successful binary trading requires a longer term option. But that will be the case primarily when you are extremely familiar with the market and have superior knowledge about where prices are headed with the given commodity. But since you make the same return on your investment in the long term as in the short term, you stand to make more money overall with short term binary options.

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