Monday, August 22, 2011

Top Ten List of The Top Reasons that Trading ONLINE is better than In-Person

Click and Trade - Online Binary Options Trading
Top Ten List of The Top Reasons that Trading ONLINE is better than In-Person.

Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:

We have all heard and seen the hype about trading online binary options, but we may have forgotten why it is so appealing. This entertaining list reminds us.

Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:

  1. 3 words: Much Shorter Commute
  2. In-person trading: pants mandatory. Online trading: pants optional
  3. Binary trading from home gives you a bit more free time to tan your pasty white thighs.
  4. You can trade your binary options even while you get called in for jury duty.
  5. Less focus on commute, more focus on lunch
  6. Always fun to answer "where do you live? and "where do you work?" questions with an identical reply.
  7. You can't watch TV at the office.
  8. Better trading patterns when you sleep late everyday.
  9. How else are you going to become a binary options trader?
  10. Because you only do online binary options trading so that you don't have to go to work.

We hope you have enjoyed this top ten list. Please visit back regularly to check out the latest news and updates about online binary trading the world around it.

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