Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top Ten Assets to Trade with Binary Options in 2012

what acreage does your binary options portfolio take up?
Since you can trade binary options that expire in different time periods, choose the one that gives you the best chance of ending up in the money. Since long-term investments in binary options require a great deal of market research, your best bet is usually a short-term option, one that expires in an hour or less. That way, you only need to concern yourself with the market fluctuations that are present already, rather than having to anticipate changes in the market that have yet to present themselves. Of course, there may be times when successful binary trading requires a longer term option. But that will be the case primarily when you are extremely familiar with the market and have superior knowledge about where prices are headed with the given commodity. But since you make the same return on your investment in the long term as in the short term, you stand to make more money overall with short term binary options.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's time for the mighty merchandise month - get great gifts for the binary options trader you know and adore

Many presents to give ... and I know that I'll find my way over

We all live in a world filled with "deloicious" products and services. The question is, what is your access to these goodies, and how affordable are they, really? And ... to whom do you intend to impart these great benefits of your amity?

Who's been Snoopin' under your present list?
Even if your Mac Daddy of trading binary options is too busy buying the next fur coat or diamond-capped cane to strut with (when not cruisin' in the Rolls-Royce or Bentley), you know that trader is just itchin' for some more of those tasty treats you just won't find at big retail outlets.

For your erudition and entertainment, here is a list that comes highly recommended by some peeps I keep close tabs on. They always turn out to the hottest parties and give away the most lavish goodies at their VIP events. And now, because so many people are workin' it hard during the recession and economic hard times, they've put together a list of top secret gift ideas for binary options traders that will make all your crew and clients happy to know you're their pimpest trader of binary options.

So, now it's your turn. You can shuffle on down the street from store to store, and hope you find something half as interesting as what you thought you might want to buy for that special someone, or you can turn up your Dogg and hop on over to that list, where you will be amazed and shocked at how great - and how affordable - these present ideas are. Fo' shizzle. (Who says that anymore?) And if you're in need to give more than you find there ... then take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard, come back in another hour or two, and refocus your energy on the thing you do best ... trade binary options online.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Choices, choices and binary options choices

On the way up Binary Options Mountain ... Deep in the money

So much in life is about timing, so there's no reason that binary options should be any different! If you've never been one for good timing, then you might want to think twice before getting into this field of investing. What does timing for binary options mean anyway? It means that the entire investment is based on being correct in terms of time. First, you select an asset that you want to watch. Then, you decide how much you want to invest and you predict what will happen to the asset. But here's the trick - the prediction is based on a certain time frame. This means that you are saying that something will happen to the asset within a given time frame. And that time frame is the key to it all. People love working within this time frame with binary options.
When you look into binary options, you are dealing with an asset. What does this mean? An asset is an item that is set at a certain price today (or this minute) but that will change price over time. Gold, for instance, is an asset. Oil barrels are another. Stocks are an asset, as is silver and more. Your job with binary options is to select an asset that you feel you know well and then to predict what will happen with that asset in a very specific amount of time. It's best to select an asset that you feel you know well because this will make it easier for you to predict what you think will happen with this asset in that time frame. This is a great piece of advice - so start to pay attention to a specific asset and enjoy binary options! It's a great investment vehicle that so many people enjoy.