Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pimpin' Sunrise and Rose by Binary Options Trader

Red Rose Covered In Morning Dew
One of the traders on recently sent in an interesting piece of artwork at the end of a very good trading day. In one image you clearly see mountains coming though the fog of the morning sunrise, and in the other you see a red rose colored by the speckles of dew. These were drawn by the artist after seeing these things not far from where he trades binary options everyday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to generate affiliate program income

In the history of the internet, there have been various ways to leverage the marketing aspects and earn your daily bread as an affiliate marketer. Binary options trading has really expanded the revenue potential for their binary option affiliate program members. By understanding how binary options work and using that knowledge to drive traffic to their sites, binary trading affiliates are able to use what they know to turn that into numbers in their bank accounts. So check out binary options trading affiliates today and learn how you too might be able to benefit from this quasi-exciting and very profitable opportunity.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Affiliate Program for online web traffic targetting binary options traders

Becoming an affiliate with an affiliate program is just about as easy as anything you can do online. And, it offers a brilliant way to make money without doing very much work. Being part of a binary options trading affiliates program is such a great idea, in particular, because binary options have become a hot topic lately and people are flocking to invest in this way. This means that you should have a relatively easy time driving traffic to the binary options sites through the affiliates program, and therefore seeing a commission for your efforts.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Binary Trading doesn't get pimpier than this

Christopher Wallace
I think that if you think about the word pimpin', you basically have Notorious BIG and then everyone else. As a super-sized dead rapper, he is more of an icon, larger than life, and death and one of the greatest rapper to ever walk this earth. Drew this tribute portrait of Christopher Wallace while trading binary options on and it occurred to me that the essence of pimp-esque is this man in this portrait.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pimp my Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka portrait - made while binary trading
Of all the portraits and drawings I have made over the past few months while trading binary options, I must say Franz Kafka really takes the cake. Aside from being really good writer, his demeanor and body language are relics of the past that simply don't exist in our twitter/facebook world. Notice that while the portrait is in color, I chose to go with drab and gray color schemes in order to capture the gloominess of Kafka-ism. Also, he has a very delicate look to him and capturing these details was part of my goal in making the portrait.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sticky bling. Oil is the new gold.

As gold has skyrocketed in value and now dances at a price-per-ounce that reminds us of the year of the French revolution, we are now moving more into the field of owning oil and holding on to it for several months at a time or even longer. Binary options traders now trade oil like they would gold, specifically because its price is loosely connected to work events which give binary trading a slight advantage in predictability and hence profitability.

Binary Trader Art
"We haven't seen binary options trading of oil on this volume in nearly, well, never..." said Peter Green, a trading consultant based in South Carolina, "Aside from fueling our cars and houses, it now looks like oil is also fueling our speculation economy"

According to another source that declined to give her name, binary options trading and oil mix very well because of the volatility of the market combined with the markets dance on the coat-trails of political events. This provides a stable and predictable investment model that many binary options traders are able to take advantage of.