Monday, December 24, 2012

What the best binary traders have in common

Being a highly successful binary options trader can be easy with the right character traits. One of those is confidence. 

Will it stay or will it roll? 
Confidence is necessary to every single trader as he or she trades  in assets all over the board.

With confidence, you can make the right kind of decisions on trades and not let failures ever get you down. Practice your confidence by making small easy trades to start, so that you can see how easy it is and get positive results. 

Positive results lead to a positive mindset which always makes binary options trading easier.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Trade oil during the winter for big ROI

With the holiday season in full swing, you should be investing in oil

Oil shares will be going up without fail this season because of the winter months and production for holiday gifts. 

Remember that as a binary options trader, you should welcome the advantage of knowing how a trend line will be moving before it does and bank on that to make even bigger returns on your investment. 

Keep an eye out on oil stocks and remember to take advantage of the upcoming spikes.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Locks, stocks, and motions for binary options

The illustrious illustrated Mr. Brown
You've been studying stocks for months now and you think that you're finally ready to predict how Apple will perform in the next 24 hours, or even the next week. But what are you basing that prediction on?

Have you spoken to other binary options traders and gotten their insights?

Have you done enough research about Apple and its fluctuations?

Most importantly, have you researched into binary options using the black-scholes formula and the geometric brownian motion?

These formulas obviously can't offer you a perfect prediction for the future on a silver platter.

What they do, however, is look at the statistical probability that a commodity will reach a certain high or a low during a specific time. And this graph and formula will highly increase your chances of predicting correctly and getting a nice return on your investment.

So, get started today to trade binary options and make sure you do your homework along the way.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Touch Trading with binary options

The Binary Options Touch trading method - how it works, and why it should be tried, and also what makes great investment opportunities work.

Touch trade binary options for massive ROIs
With no touch / one touch trading, a binary options investor is making a simple decision based on a lot of information - as much information as he or she is willing to take in. 

One touch trading simply asks if an asset point on an index is going to touch, or not, a given price point in a limited time period. 

One binary options touch trading takes into account small price changes in an asset so one must be careful and really determine what is going to happen within the next few minutes. 

With one touch trading, one can make a very large return on investment, which is what all binary options trading is about. Binary options traders definitely enjoy one touch trading as they keep working on their other investments and try to take into account the whole market picture. That’s why one touch trading is so popular and should be tried out as a big investment opportunity in any sort of asset you can imagine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trade hot assets with the binary options range platform

If you’re somebody who understands market fluctuations and why things move up and down in a sector of the market, you’ll want to try being a range options trader. 

Range options traders are great investors who understand how insider market sector news affects the price of stocks right away - sometimes seconds after an announcement is made. That’s why they are always up to date on news stories in the industry. As traders, they want to be connected to insider news blogs and sources which notify them of changes in pricing, manufacturing reports, and anything else which may affect output in certain areas. 

Remember that some companies are heavily invested in the manufacturing process of other companies, and one report in one company may drastically affect the stock of another. 

If that’s something which you understand as a trader, then the range trading platform is probably going to be your choice for making a very large return on investment.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The benefits of being a political news junkie trading binary options

Bang Bang Mack's Well Silver Chair Political News Junk
Being a binary options trader means you need to be a political and news junkie as well - at least when you’re trading and working online at your investments. 

The best traders are the most informed ones, and that means being informed on various levels of news and politics, from local, to domestic and even international. 

There is no such thing as a purely domestic company anymore. They’re all affected by market forces internationally, which means that your investments are as well. You certainly don’t want your investments to be affected adversely without you understanding them, which is why you need to read up on the news and politics of the moment all day long as you are trading. 

Fortunately, all these sources are free and the access is easy. Just grab a good news reader plugin for your browser of choice and install it. Make sure to check it every few minutes at the very least. With that, you can learn to predict the trend lines on the markets.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Don't trade in your binary options for a 9-5 job

Tick Tock Trade
Telling people you work a 9 to 5 job usually is lame. It’s not impressive.

Being a binary options trading professional investor is impressive. You can tell them that you are your own boss, that you don’t have to listen to another person looking over your shoulder. You don’t have to wait until it’s your turn to take a vacation, or take a day off. You can do that anytime you like. You also sound successful because you are successful.

All those companies that you trade in work for you, not the other way around. You’re always the boss. If they don’t do well, you don’t have to put your money in them.

You’re not serving anyone else but yourself as a binary options trader. It’s far better than a 9 to 5 job when you are the one trading in USD and Euros as well as gold and silver and technologies on the NASDAQ.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

80% gain in less than 15 minutes trading binary options

Real Binary Options Trading Footage

As you can see, the binary options trading in this video earned the trader an 80% profit in under 15 minutes. This video is a recording of an actual binary options trading session. The trader made the investment on the leading, award-winning platform for trading binary options, OptionsClick.

OptionsClick also provides online traders and financial investors with a key resource: a financial news service focused on important stories that affect various assets for trading binary options. The binary options news update also publishes critically acclaimed editorial cartoons.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Focus on Big Pharma stocks for binary options trading in 2012

Killer App - Big Pharma style
It's time to focus in as a binary options trader for 2012 and to try to hit the mark with successful decisions. And what better way to do so than with pharmaceutical binary options. Why? Well, when you focus on pharmaceutical companies for the asset, you'll be able to make educated predictions about the price change of that asset based on the performance of the pharmaceutical company. Akorn Inc., for instance, develops therapeutic ophthalmic pharmaceuticals and hospital drugs. They've gained 24% in 2011 - that's amazing progress! Allergan Inc., as well, has gained 21% since the start of 2011. As a binary options trader, these are the types of companies that you can feel comfortable putting into pharmaceutical binary options and making a trade that will bring you potential profits and create comfort for you as a trader. Look into this type of asset for a sweet year ahead in 2012 and for companies that offered amazing returns in 2011.