Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top Ten Assets to Trade with Binary Options in 2012

what acreage does your binary options portfolio take up?
Since you can trade binary options that expire in different time periods, choose the one that gives you the best chance of ending up in the money. Since long-term investments in binary options require a great deal of market research, your best bet is usually a short-term option, one that expires in an hour or less. That way, you only need to concern yourself with the market fluctuations that are present already, rather than having to anticipate changes in the market that have yet to present themselves. Of course, there may be times when successful binary trading requires a longer term option. But that will be the case primarily when you are extremely familiar with the market and have superior knowledge about where prices are headed with the given commodity. But since you make the same return on your investment in the long term as in the short term, you stand to make more money overall with short term binary options.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's time for the mighty merchandise month - get great gifts for the binary options trader you know and adore

Many presents to give ... and I know that I'll find my way over

We all live in a world filled with "deloicious" products and services. The question is, what is your access to these goodies, and how affordable are they, really? And ... to whom do you intend to impart these great benefits of your amity?

Who's been Snoopin' under your present list?
Even if your Mac Daddy of trading binary options is too busy buying the next fur coat or diamond-capped cane to strut with (when not cruisin' in the Rolls-Royce or Bentley), you know that trader is just itchin' for some more of those tasty treats you just won't find at big retail outlets.

For your erudition and entertainment, here is a list that comes highly recommended by some peeps I keep close tabs on. They always turn out to the hottest parties and give away the most lavish goodies at their VIP events. And now, because so many people are workin' it hard during the recession and economic hard times, they've put together a list of top secret gift ideas for binary options traders that will make all your crew and clients happy to know you're their pimpest trader of binary options.

So, now it's your turn. You can shuffle on down the street from store to store, and hope you find something half as interesting as what you thought you might want to buy for that special someone, or you can turn up your Dogg and hop on over to that list, where you will be amazed and shocked at how great - and how affordable - these present ideas are. Fo' shizzle. (Who says that anymore?) And if you're in need to give more than you find there ... then take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard, come back in another hour or two, and refocus your energy on the thing you do best ... trade binary options online.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Choices, choices and binary options choices

On the way up Binary Options Mountain ... Deep in the money

So much in life is about timing, so there's no reason that binary options should be any different! If you've never been one for good timing, then you might want to think twice before getting into this field of investing. What does timing for binary options mean anyway? It means that the entire investment is based on being correct in terms of time. First, you select an asset that you want to watch. Then, you decide how much you want to invest and you predict what will happen to the asset. But here's the trick - the prediction is based on a certain time frame. This means that you are saying that something will happen to the asset within a given time frame. And that time frame is the key to it all. People love working within this time frame with binary options.
When you look into binary options, you are dealing with an asset. What does this mean? An asset is an item that is set at a certain price today (or this minute) but that will change price over time. Gold, for instance, is an asset. Oil barrels are another. Stocks are an asset, as is silver and more. Your job with binary options is to select an asset that you feel you know well and then to predict what will happen with that asset in a very specific amount of time. It's best to select an asset that you feel you know well because this will make it easier for you to predict what you think will happen with this asset in that time frame. This is a great piece of advice - so start to pay attention to a specific asset and enjoy binary options! It's a great investment vehicle that so many people enjoy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pimpin' Sunrise and Rose by Binary Options Trader

Red Rose Covered In Morning Dew
One of the traders on recently sent in an interesting piece of artwork at the end of a very good trading day. In one image you clearly see mountains coming though the fog of the morning sunrise, and in the other you see a red rose colored by the speckles of dew. These were drawn by the artist after seeing these things not far from where he trades binary options everyday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to generate affiliate program income

In the history of the internet, there have been various ways to leverage the marketing aspects and earn your daily bread as an affiliate marketer. Binary options trading has really expanded the revenue potential for their binary option affiliate program members. By understanding how binary options work and using that knowledge to drive traffic to their sites, binary trading affiliates are able to use what they know to turn that into numbers in their bank accounts. So check out binary options trading affiliates today and learn how you too might be able to benefit from this quasi-exciting and very profitable opportunity.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Affiliate Program for online web traffic targetting binary options traders

Becoming an affiliate with an affiliate program is just about as easy as anything you can do online. And, it offers a brilliant way to make money without doing very much work. Being part of a binary options trading affiliates program is such a great idea, in particular, because binary options have become a hot topic lately and people are flocking to invest in this way. This means that you should have a relatively easy time driving traffic to the binary options sites through the affiliates program, and therefore seeing a commission for your efforts.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Binary Trading doesn't get pimpier than this

Christopher Wallace
I think that if you think about the word pimpin', you basically have Notorious BIG and then everyone else. As a super-sized dead rapper, he is more of an icon, larger than life, and death and one of the greatest rapper to ever walk this earth. Drew this tribute portrait of Christopher Wallace while trading binary options on and it occurred to me that the essence of pimp-esque is this man in this portrait.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Pimp my Franz Kafka

Franz Kafka portrait - made while binary trading
Of all the portraits and drawings I have made over the past few months while trading binary options, I must say Franz Kafka really takes the cake. Aside from being really good writer, his demeanor and body language are relics of the past that simply don't exist in our twitter/facebook world. Notice that while the portrait is in color, I chose to go with drab and gray color schemes in order to capture the gloominess of Kafka-ism. Also, he has a very delicate look to him and capturing these details was part of my goal in making the portrait.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sticky bling. Oil is the new gold.

As gold has skyrocketed in value and now dances at a price-per-ounce that reminds us of the year of the French revolution, we are now moving more into the field of owning oil and holding on to it for several months at a time or even longer. Binary options traders now trade oil like they would gold, specifically because its price is loosely connected to work events which give binary trading a slight advantage in predictability and hence profitability.

Binary Trader Art
"We haven't seen binary options trading of oil on this volume in nearly, well, never..." said Peter Green, a trading consultant based in South Carolina, "Aside from fueling our cars and houses, it now looks like oil is also fueling our speculation economy"

According to another source that declined to give her name, binary options trading and oil mix very well because of the volatility of the market combined with the markets dance on the coat-trails of political events. This provides a stable and predictable investment model that many binary options traders are able to take advantage of.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What is the most pimpin' Binary Option to trade?

Of all the questions I have recieved over the past few months regarding binary options trading, this one is my favorite. The most pimpin' binary option to trade would have to be gold. While oil is also pretty pimping and so are certain stocks (like apple or google) but nothing beats the pimp factor of gold.

Trading binary options is an investment vehicle and you shouldn't make your trading decisions based on pimpesque, but to answer the question, gold binary options are the ones for you, sir.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The coolest new binary options to trade.

Uniform Mess - Understanding the binary option.
Binary option offer investors and unique instrument in which to place their money for slightly riskier, profitable process. Unlike classical investing of "Buy low, sell high" binary options allows you to look at existing market data and use that to derive what will happen next. By accurately predicting the markets drunk-mans-walk, you are able to leverage a gain of nearly 80-90% per trade while at the same time hedging your risks. Aside from the obvious notion that making money is always a good thing, it can also be fun to trade binary options. Rather than look at it at work, think of it as your money working for you. But make sure you know what you are doing and familiarize yourself with a new system before trading in large volume.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Hurts the eyes optical illusion - binary options trading art

Really Hurts the Eyes - Binary trading optical illusion

box-in-a-box-optical-illusion art binary options
Super duper optical illusion that I succeeded in creating using GIMP on Ubuntu. I was trading binary options and learning about them in depth in order to not just draw optical illusions, but to do it while my mind is involved in something else mathematical.

There are many various ways to improve your profits while trading binary options and this is just something that will add to your overall ability to trade your best. I would not recommend that you ONLY do this, but that you add it to you list of things to help you trade with stronger profits in regards to binary options.

Thanks to this source for the binary options trading art

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Binary Options Trading Art - Mid September 2011 Update

Binary art drawing - "That Girl's Shirt - Summer 2011

"That Girl's Shirt" by Binary Artist

"That Girl's Shirt" by Binary Artist

Drawing of a girls shirt and the shapes it provokes in my imagination. Created while Trading Binary Options and awaiting for the stubborn position to change direction and make me a small gain. Hope you like it.

Binary Art - Random Circles Pattern - Summer 2011

Confused Circles of binary trader

Confused Circles of binary trader

This is an unusual style of art that I somehow was able to do pretty well in this image. I draw (or attempt to draw) whiletrading binary options and trying to make a way for it to be good for both my binary trades and also for my art, which can be used as wallpaper or desktop background. The circles sure do form more of a statement than I had anticipated for trading in binary options

Binary Options Rays of Sunshine



Drew this while loosing a few bucks on binary option trades of high/low currency conversions. I find its better to trade binary options while you draw something on the side. A calm trader is a successful trader.
While this drawing is also very calming and has the ability to perhaps draw you in, it is actually on fire and very intense, much like trading binary options

Flower of Power



Flowers are calming and symmetrical forces in our world. I tried to harness some of those elements while also trading binary options online and sort of got distracted while drawing this and let my binary option expire without noticing, which gave me an 85% return, but it could have easily gone the other direction. so not sure what is the correct thing to do about binary options trading and drawing at the same time. Flowers have a calming effect and that is part of the main goals in trading of binary options, to remain calm and profitable.

Take us to your leaders



Drawing that was created alongside trades of binary options and is a fairly psychedelic drawing for being made so low key and on the side while trading binary options and making profits from gold and oil. Sometimes your up, sometimes your down, but keep moving forward or you will stay in the same place.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Almost not touching - the touch/no-touch binary option web art.

Almost Not Touching - Like the binary option
Almost Not Touching

 I was trading binary options of the touch/no-touch variety and decided that the touch was the best binary option as it allows you to take a position that could mature and provide 65% return in just a few minutes. Its just very stressful when its ALMOST touching as that doesn't do anything except make you hope for a bit more movement on the graph.

 Source for the binary web-art

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The art of binary options trading

Some folks freak out as their binary options trades don't perform exactly how they wanted them to. Not this guy. Aside from making several hundred thousands of dollars last year in binary options trading, he also draws very unique artwork to pass the time and maintain a calm which enables him to profit much more from the trading of the binary options.

Binary Options Trading Art
doppler effect on ovals from binary trading

Artwork that was created while trading binary options online

Download this binary art from these sites:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cool artwork of a binary options trader

I was cruising the internet while waiting for a binary option trade of mine to clear and I came across an article about binary options trading technological advances and noticed this really funky image of a binary trader using an out-dated walkie talkie. Stirs up a funny image of someone actually pulling of trading in such a fashion.

Binary Trading is WAY easier now than in the 1970's

You can download this cartoon of a 1970's style binary options trader at the following links:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tips for trading binary options with closable positions - Super TIPS

Get you paws on as much as you can
Top Ten Super-Tips for using the Black-Scholes Valuation formula to gain large profits with online binary options trading:

These tips are called "super-tips" as the regular tips we give are designed for novice traders. These tips are designed for more advanced users who are willing to forego some excitement and risk in exchange for dull, boring, and more consistent profits.

  1. Trade only in small amounts till you have a much stronger grasp on that specific commodity, stock or indice.
  2. Utilize "closable" options to hedge the rise so that you can make very quick 20% to 40% gains rather than drawn out 85% gains that carry a risk of 100% loss.
  3. Be technical analytical and review the graphs for patterns and predictability. Only trade in graphs of options you feel comoftable predicting. 
  4. Better to not trade for a half hour than loose durring that half hour.
  5. Don't hedge your risk by trading in opposing option. The profit of 85% comes at a risk of 100%, so hedging like that will result in an across-the-board 15% loss.
  6. Remember: Its important to avoid losses as much as it is to achieve gains.
  7. Don't let losses or gains effect you overall strategy. Emotion are your enemy in this game. 
  8. With currency related binary trade, compare different currencies to narrow down which ones are actually falling and which ones are only relativity falling
  9. Avoid trading binary options at the beginning of market open unless specific events in the news provide a window of predictability.
  10. Learn from your mistakes. Binary Options Trading is an aquired skill. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, but do avoid repeating them.

 We hope you've enjoyed these tips. Please feel free to leave comments or questions. These tips are based on Trading Binary Options on - not sure about any other sites.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Top Ten List of The Top Reasons that Trading ONLINE is better than In-Person

Click and Trade - Online Binary Options Trading
Top Ten List of The Top Reasons that Trading ONLINE is better than In-Person.

Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:

We have all heard and seen the hype about trading online binary options, but we may have forgotten why it is so appealing. This entertaining list reminds us.

Top Ten Reason trading online is better than in-person:

  1. 3 words: Much Shorter Commute
  2. In-person trading: pants mandatory. Online trading: pants optional
  3. Binary trading from home gives you a bit more free time to tan your pasty white thighs.
  4. You can trade your binary options even while you get called in for jury duty.
  5. Less focus on commute, more focus on lunch
  6. Always fun to answer "where do you live? and "where do you work?" questions with an identical reply.
  7. You can't watch TV at the office.
  8. Better trading patterns when you sleep late everyday.
  9. How else are you going to become a binary options trader?
  10. Because you only do online binary options trading so that you don't have to go to work.

We hope you have enjoyed this top ten list. Please visit back regularly to check out the latest news and updates about online binary trading the world around it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Diamonds in candle flames

Candle flames contain millions of tiny diamond particles, Scottish scientists said Thursday.
Researchers successfully removed particles from the center of a candle flame for the first time and found that around 1.5 million diamond nanoparticles are created in the flame every second.
Dr. Wuzong Zhou, from the University of St. Andrews, in eastern Scotland, embarked on the study after a challenge from a fellow academic.
"A colleague at another university said to me, 'Of course no one knows what a candle flame is actually made of.' I told him I believed science could explain everything eventually, so I decided to find out," he said.
Using a new sampling technique, Zhou and his PhD student Zixue Su successfully removed particles from the center of the flame and found that it contained all four forms of pure carbon.
"This was a surprise because each form is usually created under different conditions," Zhou said.
Since the first candle was invented in China more than 2,000 years ago, studies have shown that hydrocarbon molecules are burned at the bottom of the flame and carbon dioxide released at the top -- but what happened during the process in between had remained a mystery until now.
As well as diamond nanoparticles at the center of the flame, the researchers also discovered fullerenic particles, along with graphitic and amorphous carbon.
"Unfortunately, the diamond particles are burned away in the process," Zhou said. "But this will change the way we view a candle flame forever."
It is hoped that the discovery could lead to research into how diamonds could be produced more cheaply.

Read more:

Funny investment quotes - Top Ten List

We found this list of top-ten funny investment quotes on the web. Seems that most of the people trying to make money are very NOT FUNNY and sort of stuffy, and those that have lots of money already seem to be pretty funny and jocular (except for Bill Gates, but maybe that is just because the humor part of his brain has some kind of DLL error) - Below is a top ten list of hilarious quotes about money and investment. Enjoy!

Top Ten Funny But True Investment and Money Quotes:
  1. Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or it smells. ~ J. Paul Getty
  2. When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old I know that it is. ~Oscar Wilde
  3. We live by the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. ~Buzzie Bavasi
  4. When it is a question of money, everybody is of the same religion. ~Voltaire
  5. Inflation is when you pay fifteen dollars for the ten-dollar haircut you used to get for five dollars when you had hair. ~Sam Ewing
  6. When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart. ~John Wesley
  7. A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it. ~Bob Hope
  8. The time of maximum pessimism is the best time to buy and the time of maximum optimism is the best time to sell. ~John Templeton
  9. Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons. ~Woody Allen
  10. Money will buy you a pretty good dog, but it won't buy the wag of his tail. ~Henry Wheeler Shaw
If you found yourself laughing at any of these, please share a comment on which one chuckled you.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Top-Ten Funniest Explanation of What are Binary Options

Hysterical Binary Options Trader
List of Top-Ten Funniest Explanation of Binary Options

Binary options trading is the hottest thing since margin-investing and CDI's - except way more legitimate and totally legal. Not everyone is 100% sure what is a binary option or what it means to trade them. Below are the funniest explanation that we have gotten so far. Enjoy.


Top Ten Funniest Explanations of
What are Binary Options:

10) Stocks that perform magic by using confusing math.
9) Commodities that make you money when they loose money

8) Investment instrument that let you pry open the markets value
7) Piggy bank for those that have science degree in math.
6) It is the equivalent of Diet Coke for the investment community, all the fun and no calories.
5) It's that thing them investment-boys are doing these days.
4) I don't know, I can't even figure out how to use Facebook.
3) Is that trading stocks in Morse code?
2) Binary option is when a person trading stocks has to think like a computer.
1)Have no idea what it is, but sure have fun trading them.

Laughing Binary Options Trader

We'd like to thank this site for the top-ten list of funny explanations for What Are Binary Options

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pricing the Binary Options for competitive trading.

Binary Option pricing is similar to some extent to vanilla option pricing in that is uses the basics of the Black Scholes pricing model to create a cash or nothing payout profile.  Binary options, or digitals options can also be priced as a asset or nothing type of payout, where the prices of the asset need to be valued prior to the pricing model evaluation.

A binary option has a predefined payoff. For most options the payoff
Binary Option pricing is similar to some extent to vanilla option pricing in that is uses the basics of the Black-Scholes pricing model to create a cash or nothing payout profile.  Binary options, or digitals options can also be priced as a asset or nothing type of payout, where the prices of the asset need to be valued prior to the pricing model evaluation.

A binary option has a predefined payoff. For most options the payoff of an option is unknown and is only known upon exercise of the option, which the payoff for a call option being the asset price on exercised less the strike price of the options. In contrast a digital option has the payoff defined when the option is issued.  For example, the payout is a specific cash value know prior to entering the transaction.

The payoff of a Digital option is preset value (cash amount -as in a Cash-or-Nothing option) or a unit of the underlying option (ie an Asset-or-Nothing option). For example a Cash-or-Nothing option on a stock would either payoff zero or a fixed cash at expiry, similar an Asset-or-Nothing option would either payoff zero or a fixed number of stocks.

In pricing a binary option, there are a number of variables that need to be used, similar to a vanilla options.  These variables include:

Market Price :

The market price of the underlying asset on the valuation date.  When evaluating an option in real-time, a trader would used the current underlying price to determine the current market price.  Traders could also use the closing price of the prior day to gauge an estimate of the market price.

Strike Price :

This is the price level at which the option holder has the right to buy or sell the underlying asset. It is the most straightforward input as it will always be given in the option contract.  In general, the market price in a binary option is also the strike price.  In a “above or below” option, the market price is the price that is used to determine the strike price.

Time to Maturity :

The time until the option expires and the holder is no longer entitled to exercise the option.  For binary options, this is usually the end of the day or the week, as well as a specific time in terms of hours.

Interest Rate :

The risk free interest rate for the period until the option expires. The risk free rate should typically be a zero coupon government bond yield.  For example the risk free rate for the US is current less than 25 basis points or very close to zero.  This factor will not change the value of a binary option since most are very short dated.

Volatility :

Albert Einstein Understood Binary Decision Making.
Volatility is probably the most important single input to any option pricing model. There are numerous methods for estimating volatility.
Historic volatility entails using historic price data for share price movements. A key issue is how far into the past to collect data from. A useful rule of thumb is to collect data from as far back as the options term. Historic volatility is often considered as flawed as it assumes the past will reflect the future – thus several forward-looking measures of volatility can be more powerful and accurate:
Historic Volatility is the volatility of an asset based on its past price movements. The volatility of the underlying asset for the option’s remaining life is a key input into most option pricing models, however this volatility is never in practice observable since it is based on future price movements which cannot be known. Thus, volatility must be forecast, and one method of forecast is to use the historic volatility of the asset which is calculated from its past price movements.
Typically, daily data is used and the standard deviation of the daily log of price movements is the volatility. If daily data is used then a daily volatility is the output from a calculation. For input into an option pricing model such as Black Scholes the annualized volatility is required.
Implied Volatility is the volatility implied by the market price of traded options. As the price is already known and the volatility (which is typically an input) is unknown the pricing model is reversed to determine the volatility. Other models such as ARCH, EWMA, GARCH use historic data and condition the data using factors such as mean reversion to achieve a more accurate volatility forecast.
Implied Volatility is the volatility derived from an option with a known price (or premium). If the price of an option is known, the other inputs (such as spot, strike, time etc) can be either taken from the option contract or market data sources, thus the only remaining unknown input – the volatility  can be solved for. The Black Scholes option pricing formula cannot be reversed to express volatility in terms of other inputs so an iterative approach is required by testing different volatilities.

Yield :

The average yield generated by the underlying asset for the life of the option. This can be either a dividend or the income generated by a commodity. It is often difficult to forecast the yield for the entire option life so the current yield of the asset is often used.


Binary options are generally priced in a way were the dealer or broker is taking a fee in the theoretical price of the option.  There are numerous tools that can be used to determine if the price of a binary option is relatively fair, and if your broker or dealer is given you a realistic market price.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some common info on what are binary options:

Binary option (From Wikipedia)

In finance, a binary option is a type of option where the payoff is either some fixed amount of some asset or nothing at all. The two main types of binary options are the cash-or-nothing binary option and the asset-or-nothing binary option. The cash-or-nothing binary option pays some fixed amount of cash if the option expires in-the-money while the asset-or-nothing pays the value of the underlying security. Thus, the options are binary in nature because there are only two possible outcomes. They are also called all-or-nothing options, digital options (more common in forex/interest rate markets), and Fixed Return Options (FROs) (on the American Stock Exchange). Binary options are usually European-styleoptions.
For example, a purchase is made of a binary cash-or-nothing call option on XYZ Corp's stock struck at $100 with a binary payoff of $1000. Then, if at the future maturity date, the stock is trading at or above $100, $1000 is received. If its stock is trading below $100, nothing is received.
In the popular Black-Scholes model, the value of a digital option can be expressed in terms of the cumulative normal distribution function.
Click here to read the full Wikipedia article on Binary Options

A binary option is aBinary Options Trader - Worried and stressed fixed return option because there are only 2 possible outcomes which are fully realized at the onset of the contract
A binary option is a contract which gives the buyer (known as the owner) the right, but not the obligation, to buy an underlying asset at a fixed price within a specified time frame.
The items being traded are known as underlying assets and they could be a range of products: currencies (e.g. USD/JPY), commodities (e.g. Oil, Gold), stocks (e.g. Microsoft, Coca Cola) or indices (e.g. Nasdaq, FTSE 100). The fixed price at which the owner buys or sells at, is known as the strike price.
When trading binary options, the buyer of the option chooses whether he thinks the underlying asset will hit the strike price by the selected expiry time – this could be at the end of the nearest hour or the end of the day, week or month.
The owner places a call option on his binary option trade if he thinks that at the expiry time the option will be higher than the current price. He places a put option if he thinks that at the expiry time the option will be lower than the current price.

Want to try and trade binary options on your own, visit

Thank you to this source for the info on Binary Options

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Oil prices plunge, but motorists not getting much relief at pump

By ROD WALTON World Staff Writer

Crude oil futures fell to their lowest level in nearly a year Monday, but Tulsa gasoline prices are still clinging to an average that was charged when a barrel cost close to $20 more.

"With markets the way they are, it's anybody's guess on what they're going to do," AAA-Oklahoma spokesman Danial Karnes said. "It's all over the board."

That board is making a steep downhill run at the moment. West Texas Intermediate crude oil for September delivery dropped $5.57 on Monday to settle at $81.31 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

The closing crude price is the lowest since it settled at $80.05 on Aug. 31, 2010. The one-year high for WTI was $114.83 per barrel on April 29.

Tulsa retail gasoline, meanwhile, is not falling by the same leaps and bounds. The Tulsa average reported by AAA is $3.44 per gallon, but it was closer to $2.50 when domestic crude oil was last around $80.

"Gas prices aren't always logical," Karnes said. "But logic tells us if oil continues to fall, then gas prices should continue to fall as well."

The price at many QuikTrip stations in Tulsa was $3.39 on Monday afternoon. The QuikTrip price at the end of last August - the last time crude oil was anywhere near this low - was $2.46 per gallon. 

click here to read the full article 

Special thanks Binary Trading Tips for finding this article

Monday, August 1, 2011

Casino vs binary trading

Are binary options like gambling?


I have heard several times from people that when you are buying and selling Binary Options, your are basically gambling. While this may be the case for some people who have addiction issues, they are both quite different. 

Casino games are based on luck and binary trading is based on real market conditions. This is not to say that casino's don't also involve skill or that binary trading doesn't experience luck, but the basis for the trades and exchanges of the two are very different. 

The thing is that casino games are designed for users to win in order to keep them entertained and binary trading are based on which ever direction the market swings, So not sure which one is better.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Boeing, BAE to Build 'Laser Machine Gun' - Stock Tip

I found this article while trolling the web and aside from thinking that it is very much out of sci-fi movies to shoot stuff with a laser gun, I also think that it will result in strong performance from the companies developing it.  The primary companies involved are Boeing and BAE, so keep a sharp eye out for their stock performance.  

Boeing, BAE to Build 'Laser Machine Gun'

Published July 27, 2011

Like peanut butter and chocolate, the U.S. Navy thinks machine guns and lasers are two great tastes that taste great together. They hope the combination of old school lead with new school "pew" will better protect their ships from attack by smaller boats.

BAE Systems, a British defense firm, already makes the giant machine guns that protect warships from approaching watercraft. Tuesday, Boeing announced that it will team up with BAE Systems to develop a solid-state laser that would work in tandem with the already potent weapon.

"Boeing is committed to developing this directed energy system that will significantly enhance ship defense," said Michael Rinn, Boeing DES vice president. "Combining BAE's engineering expertise with the proven directed-energy proficiency of Boeing's DES division creates a team uniquely qualified to integrate directed-energy technology into the Navy's shipboard armaments."
BAE won the contract to develop the laser, which the Navy envisions as a countermeasure against small drones, tiny boats and anything else that gets too close a Navy surface vessel. Now, Boeing has joined the team to develop the prototype weapon.
It's anybody's guess what kind of threat a machine guns or lasers can't defeat on their own (Mothra? Decepticons? Kraken?). But now that 19th century ballistic technology has teamed up with 21st century ray gun tech, whatever that enemy may be will think twice about messing with a U.S. Navy warship.