Sunday, May 5, 2013

Improve Your Trading Skills With Brain Foods

What To Eat To Improve Your ROI Probabilities On The Stock Market

brain foods are for everyone who wants to be smarter
Improve Your Diet And Your Returns Will Also Get Better
If you're a binary options trader, you'll want to think about your skills at memory. Memory recollection is helped tremendously by eating eggs.

Full of choline, which helps with memory in amazing ways, eggs also provide you with nutrients which your body needs.

Whether it's starting the day with an egg for breakfast, or having an omelette for lunch, or even just a hard boiled egg, it will do wonders for you.

You'll feel great while trading during the day and you'll forget far less things than you normally would. So try some eggs in your diet for a better and healthier mind.

Another great breakfast food or daytime snack is yogurt and granola.

Yogurt and granola is one of the tastiest combinations you can imagine. Not only is it good for you, but it helps to focus your mind.

Yogurt and granola grains both have vitamins and minerals which aid in focusing the mind and stimulating brain activity - a must for any binary options trader.

I suggest eating some for breakfast in the morning to start the day. A small cup of yogurt mixed with granola is not only a tasty way to start your day, but is also going to help you in your daily trading activities.

I'd love to know how this worked for you. Give it a try and let me know. Please. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Walk Off Your Stress And Become A Healthier, Smarter Binary Options Investor

Foot Paths To A Richer Life Of Adventure And Exploration

if only investing were as easy as seeing this bunny pulling a magician out of his own hat
Hop to it! The next adventure is just footsteps away
Hiking is a great way to spend one's time when not engaging in binary options trading.

Going for a hike provides a wonderful way to relax. It's not only good for you, but it provides you with the energy you need to feel great and alive. Take some nature walks and enjoy the Sun.

Don't stay in front of a screen all day and night. You need to get out into the real world as a binary options trader and clear your mind of the interfering thoughts that get in the way of your capacity to make the optimal investment decisions.

A hike is also a great way with which to plan other things which you'll need to do in life.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Why Investors Marvel at the Wonder that is Binary Options News

The late Margaret Thatcher editorial cartoon from april 9, 2013
Oil and Grease are Unnecessary to Rust in Peace

Do you know your Top 10 Binary Options News Sources?

A wonderful news site for financial trading is the blog at OptionsClick. 

Located at, this news site is updated with information from expert traders in the binary options field. They have news stories and trends and picks which show you what you should have your eye out on every day, and it’s provided free as a service to everyone. 

It’s a great display of ethics from a company which is known far and wide for their integrity in the field of binary options trading. 

So if you’re looking for advice or hot tips, check them out today and every day.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gold is One of the Top Ten Binary Options

Gold's so good, you can shake on it
Gold is what markets are based on, even in today’s tech world. 

Without gold, you wouldn’t have your cell phone, or your computer. Everything works with gold, and gold is what you want to invest in this spring. 

When it comes to Spring trading for binary options, you’ll want to check out the steady pulse of gold on the trending line to make sure that you have ample time to make fast decisions on the rising trend line. 

With gold in your investment portfolio, you can never go wrong. Keep that in mind this spring as more and more manufacturing will be using gold to create all sorts of new products.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

investing just a few dollars for high ROI

With binary options, a lot of people are investing just a few dollars here and there and making a big return on their investments.

What returns do you normally see on your investments?
Because of the way that binary options operate and were designed, there’s no risk basis on only a positive trend index. Instead, you simply predict what the trend line will do - whether it goes up or down - and you’ll make a big return on investment as long as you guessed correctly.

Binary options allows you to make those investments in big companies with very little risk and with a lot of gain.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Get Yo' Support & Resistance Out, Home Trader!

Where do you stand when it comes to S&R?
As you start to trade binary options, it’s important to think of the investment strategy that you plan to use. With binary options trading, you’ll want to have some research to back up your plan and your predictions.

And this is where support and resistance comes into play. This is an excellent way to chart the ebbs and flows that an asset or commodity experiences and to be able to extrapolate from the chart a prediction for how the asset will do in the future.

The basic principle is sound and incredibly easy to use for success when you trade binary options.

Related Video:  Napoleon Hill > Think And Grow Rich > The Law Of Attraction

Monday, December 24, 2012

What the best binary traders have in common

Being a highly successful binary options trader can be easy with the right character traits. One of those is confidence. 

Will it stay or will it roll? 
Confidence is necessary to every single trader as he or she trades  in assets all over the board.

With confidence, you can make the right kind of decisions on trades and not let failures ever get you down. Practice your confidence by making small easy trades to start, so that you can see how easy it is and get positive results. 

Positive results lead to a positive mindset which always makes binary options trading easier.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Trade oil during the winter for big ROI

With the holiday season in full swing, you should be investing in oil

Oil shares will be going up without fail this season because of the winter months and production for holiday gifts. 

Remember that as a binary options trader, you should welcome the advantage of knowing how a trend line will be moving before it does and bank on that to make even bigger returns on your investment. 

Keep an eye out on oil stocks and remember to take advantage of the upcoming spikes.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Locks, stocks, and motions for binary options

The illustrious illustrated Mr. Brown
You've been studying stocks for months now and you think that you're finally ready to predict how Apple will perform in the next 24 hours, or even the next week. But what are you basing that prediction on?

Have you spoken to other binary options traders and gotten their insights?

Have you done enough research about Apple and its fluctuations?

Most importantly, have you researched into binary options using the black-scholes formula and the geometric brownian motion?

These formulas obviously can't offer you a perfect prediction for the future on a silver platter.

What they do, however, is look at the statistical probability that a commodity will reach a certain high or a low during a specific time. And this graph and formula will highly increase your chances of predicting correctly and getting a nice return on your investment.

So, get started today to trade binary options and make sure you do your homework along the way.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Touch Trading with binary options

The Binary Options Touch trading method - how it works, and why it should be tried, and also what makes great investment opportunities work.

Touch trade binary options for massive ROIs
With no touch / one touch trading, a binary options investor is making a simple decision based on a lot of information - as much information as he or she is willing to take in. 

One touch trading simply asks if an asset point on an index is going to touch, or not, a given price point in a limited time period. 

One binary options touch trading takes into account small price changes in an asset so one must be careful and really determine what is going to happen within the next few minutes. 

With one touch trading, one can make a very large return on investment, which is what all binary options trading is about. Binary options traders definitely enjoy one touch trading as they keep working on their other investments and try to take into account the whole market picture. That’s why one touch trading is so popular and should be tried out as a big investment opportunity in any sort of asset you can imagine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Trade hot assets with the binary options range platform

If you’re somebody who understands market fluctuations and why things move up and down in a sector of the market, you’ll want to try being a range options trader. 

Range options traders are great investors who understand how insider market sector news affects the price of stocks right away - sometimes seconds after an announcement is made. That’s why they are always up to date on news stories in the industry. As traders, they want to be connected to insider news blogs and sources which notify them of changes in pricing, manufacturing reports, and anything else which may affect output in certain areas. 

Remember that some companies are heavily invested in the manufacturing process of other companies, and one report in one company may drastically affect the stock of another. 

If that’s something which you understand as a trader, then the range trading platform is probably going to be your choice for making a very large return on investment.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The benefits of being a political news junkie trading binary options

Bang Bang Mack's Well Silver Chair Political News Junk
Being a binary options trader means you need to be a political and news junkie as well - at least when you’re trading and working online at your investments. 

The best traders are the most informed ones, and that means being informed on various levels of news and politics, from local, to domestic and even international. 

There is no such thing as a purely domestic company anymore. They’re all affected by market forces internationally, which means that your investments are as well. You certainly don’t want your investments to be affected adversely without you understanding them, which is why you need to read up on the news and politics of the moment all day long as you are trading. 

Fortunately, all these sources are free and the access is easy. Just grab a good news reader plugin for your browser of choice and install it. Make sure to check it every few minutes at the very least. With that, you can learn to predict the trend lines on the markets.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Don't trade in your binary options for a 9-5 job

Tick Tock Trade
Telling people you work a 9 to 5 job usually is lame. It’s not impressive.

Being a binary options trading professional investor is impressive. You can tell them that you are your own boss, that you don’t have to listen to another person looking over your shoulder. You don’t have to wait until it’s your turn to take a vacation, or take a day off. You can do that anytime you like. You also sound successful because you are successful.

All those companies that you trade in work for you, not the other way around. You’re always the boss. If they don’t do well, you don’t have to put your money in them.

You’re not serving anyone else but yourself as a binary options trader. It’s far better than a 9 to 5 job when you are the one trading in USD and Euros as well as gold and silver and technologies on the NASDAQ.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

80% gain in less than 15 minutes trading binary options

Real Binary Options Trading Footage

As you can see, the binary options trading in this video earned the trader an 80% profit in under 15 minutes. This video is a recording of an actual binary options trading session. The trader made the investment on the leading, award-winning platform for trading binary options, OptionsClick.

OptionsClick also provides online traders and financial investors with a key resource: a financial news service focused on important stories that affect various assets for trading binary options. The binary options news update also publishes critically acclaimed editorial cartoons.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Focus on Big Pharma stocks for binary options trading in 2012

Killer App - Big Pharma style
It's time to focus in as a binary options trader for 2012 and to try to hit the mark with successful decisions. And what better way to do so than with pharmaceutical binary options. Why? Well, when you focus on pharmaceutical companies for the asset, you'll be able to make educated predictions about the price change of that asset based on the performance of the pharmaceutical company. Akorn Inc., for instance, develops therapeutic ophthalmic pharmaceuticals and hospital drugs. They've gained 24% in 2011 - that's amazing progress! Allergan Inc., as well, has gained 21% since the start of 2011. As a binary options trader, these are the types of companies that you can feel comfortable putting into pharmaceutical binary options and making a trade that will bring you potential profits and create comfort for you as a trader. Look into this type of asset for a sweet year ahead in 2012 and for companies that offered amazing returns in 2011.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Top Ten Assets to Trade with Binary Options in 2012

what acreage does your binary options portfolio take up?
Since you can trade binary options that expire in different time periods, choose the one that gives you the best chance of ending up in the money. Since long-term investments in binary options require a great deal of market research, your best bet is usually a short-term option, one that expires in an hour or less. That way, you only need to concern yourself with the market fluctuations that are present already, rather than having to anticipate changes in the market that have yet to present themselves. Of course, there may be times when successful binary trading requires a longer term option. But that will be the case primarily when you are extremely familiar with the market and have superior knowledge about where prices are headed with the given commodity. But since you make the same return on your investment in the long term as in the short term, you stand to make more money overall with short term binary options.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's time for the mighty merchandise month - get great gifts for the binary options trader you know and adore

Many presents to give ... and I know that I'll find my way over

We all live in a world filled with "deloicious" products and services. The question is, what is your access to these goodies, and how affordable are they, really? And ... to whom do you intend to impart these great benefits of your amity?

Who's been Snoopin' under your present list?
Even if your Mac Daddy of trading binary options is too busy buying the next fur coat or diamond-capped cane to strut with (when not cruisin' in the Rolls-Royce or Bentley), you know that trader is just itchin' for some more of those tasty treats you just won't find at big retail outlets.

For your erudition and entertainment, here is a list that comes highly recommended by some peeps I keep close tabs on. They always turn out to the hottest parties and give away the most lavish goodies at their VIP events. And now, because so many people are workin' it hard during the recession and economic hard times, they've put together a list of top secret gift ideas for binary options traders that will make all your crew and clients happy to know you're their pimpest trader of binary options.

So, now it's your turn. You can shuffle on down the street from store to store, and hope you find something half as interesting as what you thought you might want to buy for that special someone, or you can turn up your Dogg and hop on over to that list, where you will be amazed and shocked at how great - and how affordable - these present ideas are. Fo' shizzle. (Who says that anymore?) And if you're in need to give more than you find there ... then take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard, come back in another hour or two, and refocus your energy on the thing you do best ... trade binary options online.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Choices, choices and binary options choices

On the way up Binary Options Mountain ... Deep in the money

So much in life is about timing, so there's no reason that binary options should be any different! If you've never been one for good timing, then you might want to think twice before getting into this field of investing. What does timing for binary options mean anyway? It means that the entire investment is based on being correct in terms of time. First, you select an asset that you want to watch. Then, you decide how much you want to invest and you predict what will happen to the asset. But here's the trick - the prediction is based on a certain time frame. This means that you are saying that something will happen to the asset within a given time frame. And that time frame is the key to it all. People love working within this time frame with binary options.
When you look into binary options, you are dealing with an asset. What does this mean? An asset is an item that is set at a certain price today (or this minute) but that will change price over time. Gold, for instance, is an asset. Oil barrels are another. Stocks are an asset, as is silver and more. Your job with binary options is to select an asset that you feel you know well and then to predict what will happen with that asset in a very specific amount of time. It's best to select an asset that you feel you know well because this will make it easier for you to predict what you think will happen with this asset in that time frame. This is a great piece of advice - so start to pay attention to a specific asset and enjoy binary options! It's a great investment vehicle that so many people enjoy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pimpin' Sunrise and Rose by Binary Options Trader

Red Rose Covered In Morning Dew
One of the traders on recently sent in an interesting piece of artwork at the end of a very good trading day. In one image you clearly see mountains coming though the fog of the morning sunrise, and in the other you see a red rose colored by the speckles of dew. These were drawn by the artist after seeing these things not far from where he trades binary options everyday.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How to generate affiliate program income

In the history of the internet, there have been various ways to leverage the marketing aspects and earn your daily bread as an affiliate marketer. Binary options trading has really expanded the revenue potential for their binary option affiliate program members. By understanding how binary options work and using that knowledge to drive traffic to their sites, binary trading affiliates are able to use what they know to turn that into numbers in their bank accounts. So check out binary options trading affiliates today and learn how you too might be able to benefit from this quasi-exciting and very profitable opportunity.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Affiliate Program for online web traffic targetting binary options traders

Becoming an affiliate with an affiliate program is just about as easy as anything you can do online. And, it offers a brilliant way to make money without doing very much work. Being part of a binary options trading affiliates program is such a great idea, in particular, because binary options have become a hot topic lately and people are flocking to invest in this way. This means that you should have a relatively easy time driving traffic to the binary options sites through the affiliates program, and therefore seeing a commission for your efforts.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Binary Trading doesn't get pimpier than this

Christopher Wallace
I think that if you think about the word pimpin', you basically have Notorious BIG and then everyone else. As a super-sized dead rapper, he is more of an icon, larger than life, and death and one of the greatest rapper to ever walk this earth. Drew this tribute portrait of Christopher Wallace while trading binary options on and it occurred to me that the essence of pimp-esque is this man in this portrait.